Freeindia > Biographies > Sages, Rushis And Saints > Patanjali
Patanjali lived about 2,500 years ago; he is the author of Maha_bha_shya, an elaboration of Panini's grammar. He is revered for his Yoga Sutras, 196 concise aphorisms that set forth the principles of yoga. He enunciated the principles of Raja Yoga (meditation). The foundation of the whole tradition of "meditation" was established in the "Yoga Sutras" written by Patanjali. Patanjali expounded in his sutras (verses) practically all aspects of what meditation is.
We could know everything about meditation by only reading and practising "Patanjali's Yoga Sutras"; the annotation by Vivekananda (found in his "Raja Yoga"), the commentary by Abdhedananda, the translation by Christopher Isherwood and Prabhavananda, are highly recommended, as reference books.
The chanted Invocation to Patanjali is from the Bhojavritti.
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