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Freeindia > Biographies > Freedom Fighters > A.K.Gopalan
Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan Nambiar, Popularly known as A. K. Gopalan, was born on 1st October 1904 in Cannonade District of Northern Kerala.

He had his school education in Tellichery. During his student days he started literary societies and brought out students magazines. After passing SSLC and teachers training certificate course, he joined as a teacher in a local school. By that time Indian political atmosphere was getting electrified under Mahatma Gandhi. A. K. Gopalan also jumped into the fray and took part in Khilafat Movement. the Khilafat Movement and the freedom Movement effected a marked change in his outlook transforming him into a dedicated fulltime social and political worker.

In 1927 he joined Indian National Congress and started playing an active role in Khadi Movement and upliftment of Harijans. He was arrested for participating in salt satyagraha in 1930. While in prison he imbibed leftists thinking and became a member of congress socialist party and later on the communist party when it finally took shape in kerala in 1939. He led the hunger march from Malabar to Madras in 1937 and the Malabar Jatha in support of the movement for a responsible government in Travancore. with the out-break of World War-II in 1939 and special upsurge for freedom against British domination, A.K. Gopalan was again arrested. But in 1942 he escaped from prison and absconded till the end of the war in 1945. The post war anti-imperialist upsurge led him again to jail and on the dawn of freedom on 15th August 1947 he was still behind the bars. He was released after a few weeks. thereafter he was continuously a member of Lok Sabha for 5

consecutive terms till his death on 22nd March 1977.

He also wrote extensively. His autobiography 'In the cause of the people' has been translated into many languages. His other works include 'For land', Around the World 'Work in Parliament' 'Collected Speeches' all in Malayalam.

He was a staunch freedom fighter, a social reformer and an outstanding leader of communist movement in kerala. He sacrificed personal comforts for cause of freedom during British Rule. After independence he continued his struggle for upliftment of the downtrodden particularly the Harijans.

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Published on: 2003-02-03 (5817 reads)

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