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B.Pattabhi Sitaramayya

Freeindia > Biographies > Freedom Fighters > B.Pattabhi Sitaramayya
Bhograju Pattabhi Sitaramayya was born on November, 24th 1880 in Gundugolanu village, West Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh Born in Poverty, Dr. Pattabhi came up in life through sheer perseverance. He completed his studies with the help of scholarship. '

Pattabhi passed BA degree in Madras Christian College and fulfilled his ambition to become a medical practitioner by securing M. B. C. M. Degree. He chose Machilipatnam, a coastal town in Andhra Pradesh to practice as a doctor. Later Dr. Pattabhi relinquished his lucrative practice toparticipate in the National Movement Dr. Pattabhi established Andhra Jateeya Kalasala in 1910 Dr. Patabhi was the Editor of Krishna Patrika from 1908 to 1911. He had evolved and developed a style of his own in English and Telugu. In 1919,m he startyed an English Journal Janmabhoomi to propagate Gandhian ideology Janmabhoomi brought the journalistic talents of Dr. Pattabhi into limelight all over the country and Pandit Motilal Nehry invited Dr. Pattabhi to edit his journal independent published from Allahabad. Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya established Andhra Bank on 28th November, 1923 with the ideal of leaving the farming community.

Dr. Pattabhi also established a number of other institutions in tune with national spirations of self reliance such as Krishna Cooperative Central Bank in 1915. Andhra Insurance Company (first Insurance Company in Andhra) in 1925. Vadiamannadu Land Mortgage Bank in 1927, Bharat Laxmi Bank Ltd. in 1929 and Hindustan ideal insurance Company in 1935. Dr. Pattabhi suffered imprisonment for 7 year on various occasions during National Movement such as Salt Satyagraha (1930), Civil disobedience (1932). Individual Satyagraha and Quit India Movement (1942). He authored many books, the most noteworthy being, History of the Indian National congress Dr. Pattabhi worked as a member of Constituent Assembly, Rules Committee, union powers Committee, provincial Constitution committee etc. He was elected President of Congress in 1948. He served as Governor of Madhya Pradesh from 1952 to 1957. Settled at Hyderabad after relinquishing the Governorship. Dr. Pattabhi Passed away on December 17, 1959.

In the words of our first president Dr. Rajendra Prasad `Dr. Pattabhi Siotaramanyya is not merely a prminent freedom fighter but also a striking personality of sharp intellectual faculties. I had spent days with him reading the History of the Indian National congress which he had written in connection with Golden Jubilee of the Indian National congress. It was then I had realised how strong his memory was I realised then how knoeledgeable he had been about men and affairs connected with the Congress for the past fifty years and the various incidents which helped bringing its activities into focus.

He had endeavoured heartily to organise the people's movements in the Princely States. He had evinced great interest in Gandhiji's constructive programme, particularly in Charkha and basic education. Dr. Pattabhi is one of the front rank leaders of the Nation. I am sure that his example will inspire the youth in the service of the Nation. '

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Published on: 2003-02-03 (6359 reads)

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