A Welcome
to Death
The trial of the accused commenced.
In those days political prisoners were not treated properly in the jail.
They were not given proper food. They were made to suffer in every possible
way. Bhagat Singh and his companions decided to fight against the wretched
conditions. Bhagat Singh was sure of being hanged. But he thought at least
the other political. Prisoners could benefit. All the revolu- tionaries
went on fast. They fasted for two months. Then the Government said it would
consider their demands. Some gave up the fast. But Jatin Das did not. He
did not listen to anybody. On the 64th day of his fast, he died. Bhagat
Singh fasted for thirty-two days thereafter.
The trial of Bhagat Singh and hiscompanions
began; it drew the attention of the whole world. The court was heavily
guarded by the police. No spectators were allowed inside the court. The
prisoners were brought to the court in chains. They used to shout 'Long
Live Revolution I' and only then enter the court hall.
Bhagat Singh and BatukeshwarDutt stated,
"If the deaf are to hear, the sound has to be very loud. When we dropped
thebomb, it was not our intention to kill anybody. We have bombed the British
Government. The
British must quit India and make her
free." They also explained the objects of their association. The whole
world came to understand their aim and activitiesbecause of the press reports.
Finally judgment was given. Bhagat
Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were to be hanged; some were to undergo lifeimprisonment;
some were to be kept in jail for five years, some for seven, some for ten
Bhagat Singh was to be hanged! When
the news spread, the people all over the country were mad with rage. Thousands
of appeals were sent to the Government, pleading that he should be saved.
Several leaders of public life joined in the appeal. But all attempts failed.
It was decided to hang them on the 24th of March 1931. Even the members
of the prisoners' families were hot allowed to meet them. Moreover, Bhagat
Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged a day before the appointed day,
that is, on March 23rd.
Even on the day of their hanging they
were fearless. They were cheerful. They com- peted with one another to
be hanged first. It was decided that first Sukhdev would be hanged and
then Bhagat Singh and finally Rajguru. All the three climbed the platform.
Kissing the rope, they themselves put it round their neck. They died with
the name of Bharat Mata on their lips. Such was the end of the three champions
of freedom.
That day no one in the jail touched
food. Everyone was in tears. The next day, not knowing that the three prisoners
had already been hanged, their relatives came to meet them. But it was
all over with them. The dead bodies of the martyrs had been secretly burnt
on the bank of the river Sutlej. Getting a clue thousands of people raced
to the spot; but only the ashes remained. The people sobbed, with the ashes
in their hands.
All over the country tributes were
paid to the heroes who fought for freedom and sacrificed their lives.Hundreds
of songs werecomposed and sung about the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh. Even
today, the heroic spirit of Bhagat Singh is an unfailing source of inspiration
to the youth of the country. His courage, spirit of adventure and patriotism
are an example to one and all. |