It was this hero who threw the first bomb on the British who were crushing India. Even
while at school, he was attracted towards the sacred words VandeMataram! (I bow to
Mother India!) and plunged into the war of independence. The boy of sixteen defied the
police. At the age of nineteen, he became a martyr, with the holy book the Bhagavadgita
(the Divine Song) in his hand and with the slogan Vande Mataram' on his lips.Author - K.Shivashankar
Khudiram Bose
It was February 1906. A grand exhibition had been arranged at Medinipur in Bengal. The
intention was to hide the injustice of the British then ruling India. On exhibition were
articles like pictures and puppets which could create the impression that the British
rulers, though foreigners, were doing much to help the people of India. There were big
crowds to see the exhibition.