It was in
1926 that Lal Bahadur got the degree of 'Shastri' and left the Kashi Vidya Peeth. The
whole country became the arena of his activity. He became the life- member of The Servants
of the People Society, which Lala Lajpat Rai had started in 1921. The aim of the Society
was to train youths that were prepared to dedicate their lives to the service of the
One of the rules of the Society required the members to take an oath to serve the
Society at least for twenty years and to lead a simple and honest life till the end. Lal
Bahadur earned the love and affection of Lajpat Rai by his earnestness and hard work.
Later he became the President of the Society.
Shastriji married in 1927. Lalitha Devi, his bride, came from Mirzalyur. The wedding
was celebrated in the simplest way. All that the bridegroom took as a gift from
father-in-law was a charaka and a few yards of Khadi.