Jijabai was born in the
town of Sindhkhed in Maharashtra. She was the daughter of a Maratha Sardar by name Lakhuji
Jadhav Rao. Jadhav Rao and his wifeMalasa Bai brought up the childin great love.
An incident occurred in their house on one Rangapanchami day.
"Whatever may happen, the Sardar's daughter cannot become the daughter- in-law of
a Shiledar," said Lakhuji JadhavRao.
Up rose a radiant Maratha hero, in great anger.
"A Maratha hero is always bound by his words. Your words are a great insult to me.
Henceforth our meeting will be according to our worth. I shall not cross the threshold of
your house till I acquire the worth." So saying the Maratha hero left the hall.
Firmness and anger were writ large on his face.
Lakhuji Jadhav Rao was the first great Sardar 'in the Nizamshahi, administration. He
was known for his great valor. During those days many Maratha Sardars were serving under
the Nizam. They had small armies of their own. They had obtained lands, high positions and
ranks from the
Nizam, according to their abilities. They found supreme satisfaction in serving him.
But these Maratha Sardars ' hated one another.
Enmity with members of their own clan, but keen competition to serve the Nizam loyally
- such was the condition of the Marathas at that time.