Great Personalities
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


As a Teacher

1884. Margaret was now seventeen, a beautiful young woman, with charming manners and a dignified bearing. Her education was over. She yearned to teach little children. She easily got a teacher’s post at Keswick. Filled with joy she entered upon life, beginning as a small teacher, only to become a great teacher.

To teach tiny tots is no easy task, as children are fond of play. They must be made to learn even as they are playing. Margaret felt drawn to this challenging task. She tried several experiments to make her teaching not only successful but interesting. In 1892 she started popular. People got to know that Margaret was a brilliant teacher.

A Welsh youth, who was an engineer, was attracted by Margaret. Their friendship, growing more and more intimate, finally turned into love. They became engaged. Unfortunately, the young man became bed-ridden with a serious illness, which soon tool his life. Margaret was plunged in grief. Yet she bore it up bravely by applying herself more and more to her schoolwork and her studies.

About Nivedita
"When The Call Comes"
You are Here! As A Teacher
Finding The Guru
India's Call
On Indian Soil
The School - An Experiment
Plague In Calcutta
A Pilgrimage To The West
The Master Is No More

Fight For India's Freedom

The Swan Song