A great scholar and saint who lived about six hundred years ago. His personality was a
blend of immense scholarship and a matching devotion to God. Love for mankind marked his
eventful life; and he was full of piety and humility, despite his high scholastic
accomplishments. He turned down patronage, money and honors, which came to him unasked,
and led an exemplary life of sacrifice.Author
- N.S.Anantha Rangachar
Vedanta Deshikar
About six hundred and fifty years ago, one day, the people of Melkote in Karnataka, South
India, were in a state of jubilation. The great savant and saint Vedanta- deshikar were to
visit the town that day. Early in the morning, men and women, donning their best apparel
had gathered outside the town. Arrangements had been made to welcome the great acharya and
to accord him temple honors. Melkote is the abode of Lord Chelvanarayana. Musical
instruments were playing auspicious tunes and Vedic hymns were being chanted. The temple
priests and other devotees were singing in sweet voices the Tamil hymns and prayers
composed by the Alwar saints of yore. |