Sages,Rushis & Saints
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus



Vishwamitra quarrelled with Vashishta and was defeated. But Vashishta himself named him as a Brahmarshi. Vishwamitra created new stellar constellations and
threatened to create a new Indra. Gods trembled at this. He tested the truthfulness of Harishchandra.He saved Shunahshepha who was to be sacrificed. He was the guru
of Sri Rama and taught him the use of many divine arrows. He was responsible for the redemption of Ahalya and for the marriage of Sita with Rama. In him we see a confluence of three high qualities-valor, knowledge and sympathy-which have made him great.

Author - B.S.S.Cowshick


Kowsalya supraja Rama

Poorva sandhya pravartate

Uttishtha nara-shardoola

Kartavyam daivam anhikam

(0 Rama, worthy son of Kowsalya, the day has just dawned in the east. Arise, 0 lion among men, it is time to offer ablutions to God.)

This well-known stanza from Venkatesha Suprabhata was composed byVishwamitra to awake Sri Rama.

Vishwamitra belonged to a dynasty of kings. King Gadhi was his father. Vishwamitra was also called as Vishwaratha. He had several wives such as Haimavati, Shalavati, Drishadwati, Renu, Madhavi and so on. He had nine sons and their names were Madhuchchanda, Kati, Yajnyavalkya, Panina, Galava, Mudgala, Sankruti, Devala and Ashtaka. A nephew of his by name Shunahshepha is also a famous figure in the Puranas.

Vishwamitra ruled over his kingdom for a long time.

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About Vishwamitra
hand.gif (968 bytes) Introduction
What A Host!
"Let Nandini Be Mine !"
Who Can Stop Me
"Grant Me All The Magical Arrows"
Defeated Again
"Let Me Be A Brahmarshi"
"I Shall Guide The Sacrifical Rite"
"I Shall Create Another Indra!"
A Child As A Sacrificial Animal
"O Child, Do Not Fear!"
"You Are A Brahmarshi," Vashishta Agrees
Vow In The Court Of Gods
"I Need A Gift"
Defeated By Harishchandra
Guru Of Sri Rama
Redemption Of Ahalya
Marriage Of Rama With Sita
A Great Personality