India-Destination Of The New Millennium
Tourism Of India


Together referred to as Delhi, both New Delhi & Old Delhi have something to offer every visitor - historic monuments, temples, mosques, churches and beautiful gardens. India's government sector business is almost entirely conducted in New Delhi. Infact there is always some international level conference, seminar or exposition happening in the capital.

Delhi is a shoppers' paradise. Handicrafts from around the country are available at the city's various emporia - well stocked and fairly priced. For the gourmet - Delhi has some of the finest restaurants in India serving international cuisine as well as local delicacies - with the special touch of Indian warmth and hospitality.

One can make day trips to Agra - city of the Taj Mahal and be back by night, if in a hurry. It is a true metropolis and has a well mixed community of people living from all over India and the world.


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