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Tourism Of India

Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra and the gateway to this  beguiling sub-continent. Of the  four great cities of India, Mumbai is the most cosmopolitan, spearheading India's move into the 21st century.

The word Mumbai is derived from Mumbadevi, the patron goddess of the Koli fisherfolk, the oldest inhabitants of Mumbai. The name Mumbai, in its final form, dates back to the 18th century. Mumbai was a cluster of seven islands called Heptonasia by Ptolemy in 150 A. D. Geologically, Mumbai forms a part of peninsular India, which is considered to be the oldest part of the country.

The unique feature of Mumbai is that mainly the efforts and monetary contributions of its citizens have built up the city. Having had a direct hand in guiding the growth of their city, it is no wonder that the citizens of Mumbai feel a glowing pride for their city and proudly call it the 'UrbPrima in India'.


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