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Established in 1948, the Calico Museum of Textiles is undoubtedly one of India's leading museums for textiles. Its superb collection of textiles is further enhanced by a fine collection of pichhwais and patachitras (paintings on cloth). The museum is housed in two buildings, one displaying textiles of religious significance and the other traditional court fabrics, tents, carpets and constumes.

The museum presents its collection in themes connected with the two great Indian religions: Vaishnavism and Jainism, and simulates a suitable religious atmosphere. The first exhibit is a replica of a small reconstructed Pustimarga shrine with an idol of Srinathji placed on an altar, covered with a painted textile. The shrine leads to galleries where pichwais and textiles belonging to the Vallabha Set are displayed. The 90 pichwais are divided into groups relating to festivals, seasons and a variety of devotional themes.


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