Seeds of Dharma
We read in history about many kings
who put up inscriptions about their invasions, charities, donations and
the extension of their territories. But it is only Ashoka who got inscriptions
carved on rocks and pillars, which lead people from untruth to truth, from
death to immortality and from darkness to light. To this day they are like
lights of wisdom. The laws of Dharma are like the seeds of virtue sown
in the hearts of the people. They are steps leading to salvation.
In order to foster greater understanding
regarding Dharma, Ashoka took a bold and firm step. He wished to show that
all religions teach the same path of virtue. In one of his inscriptions
Ashoka says, 'We must respect the followers of other religions in every
way. By doing so we can help the growth of our religion and we can help
other religions also. If we act in a different way it will harm our religion
and also other religions. The man who wants his religion to spread rapidly
and honors only his religion and speaks ill of other religions will harm
the interests of his own religion. The power of all religions should grow.
Devanampriya does not consider charity and worship more important than
this.' He appointed officers called 'Dharma - Mahamatras' in order to spread
these ideas among the people. These officers met people of different religions
and lived among them; they helped to remove the mistaken ideas they had
about other religions and to know what was good in them. Often the money
set apart for religious purposes in spent otherwise. Sometimes though it
seems to have been spent for religious purpose, selfish people pocket it.
It was the duty of the Dharma - Mahamatras to see that the money meant
for religious purposes was spent properly. They toured the empire and visited
the courts of justice also. They set right the errors in the conduct of
affairs and in the awards of punishments. Such officers do not seem to
have been appointed anywhere else in the history of the world. Besides
these, other officers also toured the empire once in five years according
to the orders of the emperor and spread the Dharma among the people.