Ashoka worked hard especially for the
spread of education in his land. Nalanda is famous in history; it was the center of
education and the University of Magadha. It is said that university of Magadha. It is said
that Ashoka founded it. Students of that university were very much respected. During his
time trade with foreign countries was carried on by sea routes. He encouraged agriculture,
trade and industries. There were canals to help irrigation. All the money paid into the
government treasury was spent for the welfare of the people.
Ashoka has big roads laid to help the growth of business and industries. For the
benefit of travelers he had trees planted on both sides of the roads. Wells were dug and
guesthouses and rest houses were put up. There was free medical aid both for men and for
animals. Ashoka is among the first in the world who built hospitals for the treatment of
animals. He got medicinal plants and a variety of fruit-bearing trees from several places
and planted them where they were not found. In one inscription he has expressed the wish
that even the forest dwellers in his empire should live happily.
Sandalwood wears itself out to give a cool and fragrant paste to men. Sugarcane gives
up its sweet juice to men and reduces itself to mere skin in the process. The candle burns
itself out that others may have light. All his life Ashoka lived like the sandalwood, like
the sugarcane, like the candle.
He worked hard without rest and taught the people to live a life of truthfulness,
Dharma, Justice and morality. There was happiness and peace. There were social gatherings
at which people of all castes and creeds gathered and enjoyed themselves without feeling
of high and low.