The education of the princes,
the Pandavas and the Kauravas, in archery had just concluded. A display of their skill had
been arranged. This news reached Karna.
He went there, curious to see the exhibition of the skill of archery by the princes.
There was a large field outside the capital Hastinavati City. A stadium had been
constructed there. In the center there was a huge arena. The rest of the stadium was for
the spectators. There was a huge gathering of people to witness the display. Members of
the royal family were also there.
The display began. The princes gave an exhibition of riding swift horses. They
performed strangle feats of horse riding. They drove chariots in breath-taking ways. They
sat on elephants and fought. They swung and brandished swords in various ways and showed a
variety of tricks. Arjuna all by himself gave an effortless display of archery. He showed
the use of mighty arrows, which amazed the audience. Everybody began to praise him:
"There is nobody to equal Arjuna. He is supreme in archery."