The Prince was named Kharavela. He
had a well-built sturdy body with a bright brown complexion and an attractive personality.
Even as a boy, he exhibited great skill and ability in every game, all was always the
first. His fame spread a over the state. Everyone praised his virtues and ability.
Mahameghavahana rejoiced at the lively activities of the young Prince during his reign
the state had regained its freedom. But the king was not quite happy because he had not
been able to improve the lot of the people. The storm had caused terrible destruction. The
utter defeat suffered by Kalinga, the hands of Ashoka had sapped all their courage and
confidence. They looked lifeless. They had lost the confidence to face enemies. The
miserable plight of the people had mad the king sad and depressed. He naturally believed
that the birth of the bright and promising son was a God-sent boon. He believed that the
boy would raise the country from its misery and bring back its prosperity. He wanted to
train the young boy for his later responsibilities. So eminent scholars were appointed to
teach the boy the art of administration as well as economics and other subjects. At the
same time expert teachers wereappointed to teach him the use of different weapons. As he
grew older the use of different weapons became his study, his hobby and his recreation.
Healthy, strong and sturdy, quick and active by nature, and greatly interested in the
practice of arms, he soon came to be known as a great soldier. His teachers were also
proud and happy that the Prince who was given to their care had shaped so well.
As Kharavela grew up to be manly and strong, the peoples' faces grew brighter. A new
hope kindled in them.
They decided to work for the progress of the country under his able leadership.
One auspicious day Kharavela was made the Crown Prince (Yuvaraja). He began to take
active part in the administration. He was just fifteen or sixteen then. He continued as
Yuvaraja for about nine years. After the death of his father, Mahameghavahana, he became
the king of his country.