to Lakshmi
There is a Vedic verse by name 'Srisukta.'
It comprises invocation and prayer to Lakshmi devi. This is recited while
worshipping. If we understand themeaning of a few expressions in Srisukta,
we will know Lakshmi's appearance, nature and greatness.
'Hiranyavarnam': Lakshmi is of the
color of gold. 'Padmavarnam': of the color of a lotus. 'Adityavarne': Lakshmi
is brilliant like the sun. 'Padmavarne': Lakshmi's face is beautiful like
a lotus. 'Padmadalayatakshi': her eyes are broad and beautiful as petals
of a lotus. 'Padmamalineem': one wearing a garland of lotus flowers. 'Sarasijanilaye':
one residing on a lotus flower. 'Sarasijahaste': one holding a lotus in
her hand.
From this it is evident that Lakshmi
loves a lotus flower. Therefore 'Padmapriye' (one who loves the lotus flower)
is stated in Shrisukta. She is 'Dhavalataramshuka gandhamalya shobhe':
wearing clean white clothes and scented flower garlands. What does Lakshmi's
greatness consist in? She is 'Prajanam bhavani mata' (mother of all people),
'Vishwapriye' (one who loves the universe). A devotee prays to her thus:
'Pradurbhootosmi Rashtresmin Kirtivriddhim
dadatu me' (I am a citizen born in this country. Grant me fame and wealth).
'Vasa me grihe'(Reside in my house).Ayushmantam Karotu me' (Enable me to
live long).
It is said thus of the benefit obtained
by reciting Shrisukta and getting the grace of Lakshmidevi:'Na krodho na
cha matsaryam na lobho na shubha matih' (they do not get angry. Devoid
of envy, not greedy, they do not think evil). In addition those who praise
Lakshmi live long. Their health is good. They will lead a glorious life.
Such and other benefits are derived, it is stated, from praying to Lakshmi. |