The greatest danger that India had to
face at the time was China's aggression (1962). The Chinese army crossed the Himalayan
border and moved forward in wave after wave and occupied Indian territory in the north.
But India stood up like one man against China. The Chinese moved back. But they did not
return the areas they had occupied. China stabbed India in the back and lost the
friendship of India.
This was the time when China in the north and Pakistan both in the east and the west
started giving trouble to India. It was absolutely necessary that the people of India
should forget internal quarrels and that they should unite like brothers and sisters. Lal
Bahadur Shastri strove hard to make the people feel that they were all one.
People who clung to power sometimes showed their pettiness. To some people clinging to
the minister's seat, rather than uniting the people, is the aim of life. At this time a
plan was carried out to purify the ruling arty. The Chief Minsters of all states and the
senior Ministers at the Centre had to handover their resignations to the Prime Minister
Nehru he was to decide who should come out of office and work for the party and who should
remain in office. Accordingly they all tendered resignations.