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Biographies of Great
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RatnaLal Bahadur was a star of great
brightness in the history of India, After his death the President of India conferred on
him, on behalf of the nation, the award of ' Bharat Ratna'; it was a most fitting.
A small bodies but mighty man-so runs a kannada proverb. It applies to several great
men. Shivaji was not tall. But like a magnet he attracted people,and organized and built a
great empire. Napoleon was short. But he shook the whole world. Lal Bahadur Shastri was
not taller than those two; but he was not second to them in greatness. Firmness, love of
adventure, patience and skill in administration cannot be acquired in a day or a year.
Only when we study his growth from childhood can we understand how he acquired all these
qualities. |
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