Coomaraswamy's son Narada had
served his apprenticeship as a writer. He was a promising young writer. Rohini who was
learning music was a promising musician. Their life was happy for a time.
But it did not last. Ratna Devi's health began to fail.
Coomaraswamy used to make fun of Narada's passion for travel. He used to say to his
son, "You are rightly named after the Narada of myth who moved between the three
worlds. You seem to take after him."
His father's words made Narada smile. When' he was at leisure he would discuss with his
father matters which he had found difficult.
Once Narada went on a journey by air. He did not come back. The plane in which he
traveled crashed and Narada met with an untimely death.
Ailing Ratna Devi heard the news and the grief killed her. Ananda Coomaraswamy was like
one thunderstruck.
He turned to the Gita and the Upanishads for solace in his grief - Gradually he
regained calm of mind.