Great Personalities
Major Sections
Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


Service To Literature

Rammohan was the first to give importance to the development of the mother tongue. His ‘Gaudiya Vyakaran’ in Bengali is the best of his prose works.

His Bengali was terse, simple and elegant. By translating the scriptures of the Hindus into Bengali he gave Bengali a new dignity.

Rabindranath Tagore and Bankimchandra followed in his footsteps.

Rammohan wrote lyrics also.

About Raja Rammohan Roy
Birth And Boyhood
Sanskrit Education
Rammohan And Religion
At Rangpur
'Atmiya Sabha'
Regard For Hinduism
Education For The Progress Of The Country
With The Poor
You are Here! Service To Literature
'Suttee System' or 'Sahagamana'
Love Of Independence
The First Editor
For Justice And Equality
Brahmo Samaj
Rammohun In England