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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus



Persian was the language of the government during the Muslim rule. Knowledge of Arabic and Persian was necessary to get employment or to correspond with the government. Rammohan had been educated inSanskrit, Bengali, Arabic and Persian in his own village. Though Ramakanto was very orthodox, he wanted that his son should have higher education. For this purpose, he sent him to Patna in his ninth year. The boy was very intelligent. He studied Arabic and Persian under famous Muslimscholars in Patna. Aristotle and Euclid were two great thinkers who lived in Greece, hundreds of years ago. Rammohan read their works in Arabic. By studying their books, Rammohan developed the ability to think for himself.

Many people in India who believed in God worshipped pictures and idols of God. Rammohan wondered if God hand any form. He was not interested in idol-worship and in festivals at home. He opposed idol-worship. But his father, who was a very firm believer in idol-worship, felt he was doing wrong. He advised him. The son did not change his mind. Owing to differences between Rammohan and his parents, he left the house.

About Raja Rammohan Roy
Birth And Boyhood
You are Here! Education
Sanskrit Education
Rammohan And Religion
At Rangpur
'Atmiya Sabha'
Regard For Hinduism
Education For The Progress Of The Country
With The Poor
Service To Literature
'Suttee System' or 'Sahagamana'
Love Of Independence
The First Editor
For Justice And Equality
Brahmo Samaj
Rammohun In England