In those days, courts conducted
trials by jury. Some persons were invited to attend the proceedings of the court. At the
end, these persons gave the judges their opinions regarding the case. These men were
called the Jury. Indians were invited only to lower courts. But Englishmen
were invited to higher courts.
Rammohan wrote to the government against this practice; he argued that it was an insult
to Indians. Finally, the government ended this discrimination.
We now hear the slogan, "Land to the tiller," dont we?
In those days, the landlords had much freedom and authority. Some used to exploit the
farmers. There was no limit to their luxury, pomp and arrogance. The farmers had to give
almost all the produce to them in the shape of rent. The poor farmers shed tears of blood.
Rammohan, who had seen all this exploitation, had said, even so long ago, that the land
should belong to the tiller.