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The Blessings Of Goddess Savithri

This happened long long ago. Ashwapathi was the king of Madradesha. He was just and noble. His wife was Malavi. They had only one sorrow; otherwise, they were perfectly happy. They had no children. They performed religious rites to get children. They worshipped Goddess Savithri. A year passed, two years passed. The Goddess did not answer their prayers. Yet the couple did not give up their attempt. They continued their religious rites

Eighteen years passed.

Goddess Savithri was pleased with them. The couple praised the Goddess in many ways. Ashwapahi said, "Mother, I have everything. I am happy with my wife. My subjects love me and my courtiers serve me with love. But I have no children. After me there is no one to protect this country. Mother, I want children to continue my dynasty."

Goddess Savithri said, "O king nothing can happen which is not willed by Lord Brahma. You will have radiant daughter, that is Brahma’s will." The Goddess blessed the king and disappeared.

Some time passed. Ashwapathi’s wife gave birth to a daughter. She was Goddess Savithri’s gift and so she was named after the Goddess Herself.

About Savithri
You are Here! The Blessings Of Goddess Savithri
'Choose A Husband Worthy Of You'
Fate Is Against Him
'No One But He'
Husband And   Wife
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Only Four Days Remain
The Nerve-Shattering Day
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I Am Yama
'I Won't Give Up Dharma,
'Ask For A Boon'
Even Yama Was Defeated
'How I have Slept!'
Back To The Hermitage
An Auspicious Night