Great Personalities
Major Sections
Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


‘I Won’t Give Up Dharma’

Savithri was following him!

Yama was astonished. He and his followers had taken away millions of lives with them. But no one had followed the dead. He admired the courage of this woman who had followed him.

But without showing admiration, Yama stopped. He said, "Savithri, you have followed your husband as far as possible. You were like his shadow when he was alive. Now turn back. Your ties with him have snapped. Go and do the last rites to his body."

Savithri-It is said if we walk seven steps with a person he becomes a friend. I have come with you all this distance. Therefore, now you are my friend. So I want o speak to you. For knowledge and for dharma people perform taps in a forest. Good men say that dharma (Sacred duty) is greater than anything else. It is my dharma to be with my husband. I cannot give up my dharma.

About Savithri
The Blessings Of Goddess Savithri
'Choose A Husband Worthy Of You'
Fate Is Against Him
'No One But He'
Husband And   Wife
Sorrow Amidst happiness
Only Four Days Remain
The Nerve-Shattering Day
I Will Also Come With You
I Am Yama
You are Here! 'I Won't Give Up Dharma,
'Ask For A Boon'
Even Yama Was Defeated
'How I have Slept!'
Back To The Hermitage
An Auspicious Night