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‘No One But He

Ashwapthi turned to his daughter and said, "My child, Savithri, our choice is excellent. The man you have chosen, Sathyavantha, is a wise man and an intelligent one, too. But, my child, he has a short span of life. Knowing this how can I give you in marriage to him? Choose some other man. I shall gladly give you in marriage to him."

Savithri looked at Narada once again and then at her father.

Narada was looking at Savithri, waiting for an answer. Her father’s face was disturbed by sad thoughts.

Savithri-Father, I have made my choice. Whether Sathyavantha is short lived or has a long life, none but he can be my husband.

Ashwapathi – Savithri you are still very young. Do not be hasty. Think for a while. What terrible sorrow awaits you after a year!

Savithri-Father, do not think that I am disobedient. Long-lived or short-lived, Sathyavantha alone is my husband. I will not change my mind.

Ashwapathi – Holy Sir, I beg you to advise my daughter. Please turn her mind away from Sathyavantha.

Narada –Ashwapathi, your daughter has made up her mind. Besides, no one has so many virtues as Sathyavantha has. In every way he is worthy of our daughter. Let this marriage be celebrated. All will end well.

Ashwapathi did not want to go against the wishes of his daughter. And the blessings of Narada gave him some courage.

About Savithri
The Blessings Of Goddess Savithri
'Choose A Husband Worthy Of You'
Fate Is Against Him
You are Here! 'No One But He'
Husband And   Wife
Sorrow Amidst happiness
Only Four Days Remain
The Nerve-Shattering Day
I Will Also Come With You
I Am Yama
'I Won't Give Up Dharma,
'Ask For A Boon'
Even Yama Was Defeated
'How I have Slept!'
Back To The Hermitage
An Auspicious Night