Today Ambedkars name is remembered in
the history of India also because of the role he played in framing the Constitution of
India became free from foreign rule on the 15th of August 1947.
Ambedkar became the first Minister of Law in independent India. With one voice all
India welcomed his appointment. He took oath as a minister.
The country, no doubt, got freedom. It was to be decided how a country with crores of
people should be rules. How should elections take place? What are the rights of the
people? How are laws to be made? How should the government works? How should courts of law
function? - Such important matters had to be decided, and laws had to be made. The
Constitution answers all such questions and lays down rules.
It was a very difficult task to prepare the Constitution. A study of the Constitutions
of many countries, a deep knowledge of law, knowledge of the history of India and of the
Indian society, the patience and wisdom to weigh different opinion-all these were
On 29 th August 1947, a committee was constituted to frame the Constitution of India.
Ambedkar was chosen as its Chairman. Shri T. T. Krishnamachari, a member of the committee,
himself has said:
"Though a committee of seven members was formed, one of then resigned. Another was
nominated in his place. Another member died. No one took his place. One of the members was
very busy with government work. Owing to ill health two other members were far away from
Delhi. As a result, Dr. Ambedkar alone had to carry the entire burden of preparing the
draft of the Constitution. The work he has done is admirable".
As the Minister for Law, Dr. Ambedkar placed the draft Constitution before the
Constituent Assembly on 4th Nobvember 1948.
He gave satisfactory answers to many questions about the Constitution.
The part of the Constitution wiping out untouchanblity was aproved on 29th
November 1948. Ambedkars struggle bore fruit in his own life time. A new chapter
began in social life. We should remember the words of Ambedkar in answer to the debate on
the Indian Constitution:
"India has lost her freedom only owing to treason of her own people. Raja Dahir of
Sindh was defeated by Mahammad Bin Khasim. The only reason for this defeat was that the
generals of the Sindh army took bribes from Jahsims men and did not fight for the
king. It was Raja Jaichand of India who invited Mohammad Ghori to fight against
Prithviraj. When Shivaji was fighting for the freedom of the Hindus, other Maratha leaders
and Rajputs were fighting for the Mughals. When the Sikhs were fighting against the
British, their leader did nothing
. Such things should not happen again; therefore,
everyone must resolve to fight to the last drop of his blood, to defend the freedom of
The Constituent Assembly accepted the draft India Constitution on 26th
November 1949.
Dr. Ambedkar was born in the Mahar Cast; he was pushed away as an
untouchalbe, his very touch was supposed to make the water unclear; by his
genius, by his learning and by his unbending will, he rose high and shaped the
Constitution of India, and came to be called the Modern Manu. (Manu was a great Law-Giver
of ancient India)
Ambedkars fist wife, Ramabai, had died. He married a girl belongs to Saraswatha
Brahmin Dr. Sharda kabir; she was working in the nursing home where he was treated
for sometime.
In 1951, Dr.Ambedkar resigned his office as minister.