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World-Wide Interest in Raman Effect

Investigations making use of the Raman Effect began in many countries. During the first twelve years after its discovery, about 1800 research papers were published on various aspects of it and about 2500 chemical compounds were studied.Raman Effect was highly praised as one of the greatest discoveries of the third decade of this century.

After the 'lasers' (devices that produce intense beams of light, their name coming from the initial letters of 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) came into use in the 1960's, it became easier to get monochromatic light of very high intensity for experiments. This brought back scientific interest in Raman Effect, and the interest remains alive to this day.

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About Dr.C.V.Raman
A Child Genius
Officer - Scientist
210, Bow Bazaar Street
From Accounts To Science
Professor Raman
The Great Teacher
Not a Minute to Waste
In England
The Blue of the Sea
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The Guide
Raman Effect
You are Here! World-Wide Interest in Raman Effect
The World Honours Raman
The Nobel Prize, Too
A Keen Eye
In Bangalore
Raman's Day
'Use A 10-Kilowatt Brain'
Judging Talent
The Indian Academy Of Sciences
The Raman Reasearch Institute
Delight In Colour and Light
Interest in Music
'A General Practitioner in Science'
A Lion's Heart
The True Research Student
His God And His Religion