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'A General Practitioner in Science'

When Raman stepped into the field of research, Modern Physics was in its infancy. It developed numerous branches by the time he began working in his own Institute. Then research workers had access to modern equipment and methods, which were not available six decades earlier. They tended to study a small field and to specialize in it. But Raman never limited his activities and interests to a narrow field.

Raman once inaugurated the 'General Practitioners' Conference' in Bangalore. A
general practitioner is a doctor who treats common illnesses. Raman humorously
commented on that occasion that he was a general practitioner in science. He liked all
scientific problems whether they were small or big. His interest and satisfaction lay in finding a solution to the problem.

In 1969, the daughter of Nagendranath (who had been a research student under him thirty years earlier) was married; Raman and his wife attended thereception. Raman drew Nagendranath aside and explained his new problem; he was trying to find a theory of earthquakes taking into account the actual shape of the earth and the wave-like nature of the quakes. Raman was not a person to be satisfied with his past achievements. He was always seeking new and vaster fields of study.

Raman was a delightful speaker. Sprinkled with good humor, his talk was usually
focussed on realities. Raman used to say that the color of the sea interested him more than the fish, which lived in it. He thought that we should have our own ships for oceanographic research (the study of the sea). He often said that India lost her freedom because she took no interest in the seas.

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About Dr.C.V.Raman
A Child Genius
Officer - Scientist
210, Bow Bazaar Street
From Accounts To Science
Professor Raman
The Great Teacher
Not a Minute to Waste
In England
The Blue of the Sea
New Contacts
The Guide
Raman Effect
World-Wide Interest in Raman Effect
The World Honours Raman
The Nobel Prize, Too
A Keen Eye
In Bangalore
Raman's Day
'Use A 10-Kilowatt Brain'
Judging Talent
The Indian Academy Of Sciences
The Raman Reasearch Institute
Delight In Colour and Light
Interest in Music
You are Here! 'A General Practitioner in Science'
A Lion's Heart
The True Research Student
His God And His Religion