Raman Research Institute
In 1948 this great scientist entered on one more active phase of life when he became the
Director of the Raman Research Institute. The Institute became the centre of all his
activities. A garden and tall eucalyptus trees surrounded it. He used to say, "A
Hindu is required to go to the forest in old age, but instead of going to the forest, I
made the forest come to me." At the Institute he could concentrate on things that
interested him. He was alone with his work and was happy. At the entrance to the Institute
was a board bearing the words, "The Institute is not open to visitors. Please do not
disturb US."
He did research on sound, light, rocks, gems, birds, insects, butterflies, sea shells,
trees, flowers, atmosphere,weather and physiology of vision and hearing. His study covered
such different fields of science as Physics, Geology, Biology and Physiology. Among them
sound and colors particularly attracted him. Once he even went round shops to select
sarees of different color designs.