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From Accounts to Science

At that time Burma and India were under a single government. In 1909, Raman was
transferred to. Rangoon, the capital of Burma. When Chandrasekhara Ayyar passed away in 1910, Raman came to Madras on six months' leave.

After completing the last rites, Raman spent the rest of his leave period doing research in the Madras University laboratories.

The Science College of Calcutta University was started in 1915.

There a chair for Physics was established in memory of Taraknath Palit, a generous
man. Raman was appointed Professor. He sacrificed the powerful post in the government, which brought a good salary.

The Indian Science Congress was started in 1913. Its aim was to bring together scientists engaged in research; theyshould meet and exchange ideas. Its first session
was held in 1914. Asuthosh Mukherjee was the President. Raman was the President of the Physics section. Later he worked for many years as the Secretary of the Science Congress. He presided over its annual sessions in 1929 and 1948.

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About Dr.C.V.Raman
A Child Genius
Officer - Scientist
210, Bow Bazaar Street
You are Here! From Accounts To Science
Professor Raman
The Great Teacher
Not a Minute to Waste
In England
The Blue of the Sea
New Contacts
The Guide
Raman Effect
World-Wide Interest in Raman Effect
The World Honours Raman
The Nobel Prize, Too
A Keen Eye
In Bangalore
Raman's Day
'Use A 10-Kilowatt Brain'
Judging Talent
The Indian Academy Of Sciences
The Raman Reasearch Institute
Delight In Colour and Light
Interest in Music
'A General Practitioner in Science'
A Lion's Heart
The True Research Student
His God And His Religion