In the days of Jagadishchandra Boses boyhood, the well educated
and the well to do. ; People wee attracted by Western culture. A man was proud if he had
learnt English. But Jagadishchandra Boses education was really remarkable; it was
dye to his father. As long back as a hundred year ago, Bhagawanchandra Bose started
schools in which children were taught in Bengali. Jagadishchandra also received his early
education in this school. Jagadish mixed with the poor boys freely and played with them;
so he gained first hand knowledge of the sufferings of poor people. He learnt much more.
He learnt how the fisher folk moved on the broad rivers in their boats, how the fishing
rod was cast in the flowing water, how ploughing the land and sowing seeds in it grew the
crops and how the cattle were taken to graze on the distant hills. He was all ears when
the fishermen and the farmers gave such accounts. He was thrilled by their adventurous
life and it made him more courageous in life.
There was another interesting person in his early life. This was a
servant who used to take Jagadishchandra to school every day. He had been a dacoit in the
past Bhagawanchandra Bose as a judge had sent him to prison. After some time the dacoit
came out of prison. But how was he to live? Bhagawanchandra Bose was a very good-natured
man. So he employed him as a servant. The dacoit used to tell little Jagadishchandra.
events of his past life the robberies he had committed and his cruel deeds. His adventures
made a lasting impression on the boy.
Young Bose was all curiosity. He wanted to know about everything that
happened around him. What is, a glow-warm? Is it fire or spark? Why does the wind blow?
Why does the water flow? He was always ready with a string of questions. His father would
answer as many questions as he could. But he never tried to impress upon his son that he
knew everything. If he could not answer a question, he would frankly tell his son so. Thus
Jagadish chandra's parents took great interest not only in his studies but also in
everything that shaped his character. They narrated stories from the Ramayana and the
Mahabharatha to him. Kama of Maha- bharatha was an ideal to him. (Karna was a great hero
but, more important still, very generous.) He went with his parents to see the
performances of folk drama. (These were staged in open-air theatres.) They treated al-I
his friends alike. Such was the environment for Jagadishchandra in his boyhood. He grew up
to be ' broad- minded, patriotic, obedient to elders, affectionate towards his fellowmen.
He never made any distinction between the rich and the poor; all men were equal in his
Generally it is easy to understand a subject if it is taught in the
student's language; it becomes difficult if it is taught in some other language.
Jagadishchandra did not face this problem, since he studied the subjects in his own
language. He understood them easily. He was in the habit of thinking for himself whenever
he studied. He learnt many things on his own by studying at home. But he was not a
bookworm. He was very enthusiastic about games too. Cricket was his favorite sport.