The Young Scientist His Own
Smith, Too
Jagadishchandra Bose was back in India. He joined the staff of the
Presidency College, Calcutta. There was a peculiar practice in that college. The Indian
teachers in the college were paid one third of what the British teachers were paid! So
Jagadishchandra Bose refused his salary but worked for three years. He could not even get
the scientific instruments he needed for research. He was not shown the respect due to
him. This did not continue for long. His deep knowledge zest for work and cultured
behavior won over those in charge of the college. They saw to it that he was given the
full salary of the post and not one-third.
Teaching the same lessons year in and year out was very tedious to
Bose. His was an alert mind, always on the look out for new ideas. He wanted to do
research, to widen his knowledge and discover new things.
A laboratory is necessary for research. Many scientific instruments are
required. Jagadishchandra Bose had no laboratory and he did not have the instruments. But
he was not disheartened. For eight or ten years he spent as little out of his salary as
possible, lived a very strict life, saved money and bought a laboratory!
Generally Marconi's name is associated with the invention of wireless.
(This made possible the use of the radio.) Jagadish chandra Bose had also conducted
independent research in the same field. Marconi was able to announce the result of his
work and show how wirelesstelegraphy worked, earlier than Jagadishchandra Bose. So he is
called 'the father of the radio'. In the year 1896 Bose wrote a research article on
electro-magnetic waves. This impressed the Royal Society of England (which is famous all
over the world). He was honoured with the Degree of Doctor of Science. He needed money to
continue his work. Bengal,his homeland, came forward to bear the expenses. Those were days
when the British Government would not help an Indian to go abroad for studies. Bose had
the honour of getting encouragement even from the British Government. And he made
excellent use of this.
Bose became famous in the world of science. In India and in other
countries there was a strong belief that only Westerners could achieve anything worthwhile
in science. Bose proved this wrong concept. He showed that there were geniuses elsewhere
too. He visited England again, this time to explain his discoveries to the scientists of
the West.
Bose needed scientific equipment. But the instruments he needed were
not available. But this did not hamper his work. Early in his life he had learnt to make
hisequipment with his own hands. The scientific instruments he took to England were those
he himself had made.
Electricity was then his special field of work. He had successfully
worked at transmitting electro-magnetic waves from one place to another. He had determined
the type of instruments required both at the transmitting end and at the receiving end; he
had found out what the distance should be between these two ends. He was using the
instruments he had himself made. Bose demonstrated his discoveries at the Royal Society in
England. The gathering of scientists were profoundly impressed. They praised this
achievement as a singular one from a citizen of India. Our country was until then famous
only as the home of philosophy and religion. Bose won respect for Indians in science too.
The renowned papers of London namely 'The Spectator' and 'The Times' were all praise for
this Indian scientist. For, without proper facilities and with the available material,
Bose had achieved wonderful results and he had done his research along with his teaching
work. |