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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


A New Temple

Bose had worked all along without the right Wind of scientific instruments and laboratory. For a long time he had been thinking of building a laboratory. The result was the 'Bose Research Institute' which is in Calcutta. Even now it is famous as a centre of research. Bose had been collecting funds for this Institute for quite some time. More than sixty-five years ago, he had realized the importance of a research institution in India. While inaugurating the Bose Research Institute he said, "This is not a laboratory but a temple." Such was his devotion to work. He felt everybody must have the same enthusiasm for research in a country. In the Bose Research Institute research is conducted in Botany and Physics - the two branches of science in which Bose had won fame.

He worked in this laboratory for 20 years, up to the very end of his life. We should not depend on others to do our work, we ourselves must do our work; but before we can do this we must get over our pride - this was his firm belief. He confessed that he had learnt this lesson from his parents.

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About Dr.J.C.bose
The Parents
Early Education
In Calcutta
In London
The Young Scientist - His Own Smith, Too
You are Here! A New Temple
The Questioning Boy-The Great Scientist
Spirit Of Adventure
Scientist And Man Of Letters
Patriot And A Good Friend
Abala Bose, A Worthy Wife