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The Creator of Organizations

Sarabhai was immersed in scientific research. He wanted that science and technology should grow together, that

intelligent young men should be trained in science and technology and that the right atmosphere for their work should be created in the country. For this purpose he established several organizations. The very first one was his, own Physical Research Laboratory at Ahmedabad. In this, he formed the 'Group for the Improvement of Science Education', in 1963.

In 1947, when he was only 28 years old, he was entrusted with the organization of the Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association. He ' had then no experience of textile mills or textile technology. Yet, with great confidence, he built up the institution.

In 1963, he established the Nehru Foundation for Development, for the study of social and educational problems. In 1966, under its auspices, he established the Community Science Center, whose object was to spread scientific knowledge, to create interest in science and to promote experimentation among students, teachers and the general public. To train
efficient managers of factories, he started the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad.

Of all the institutions he established the most important were the Indian Space Research Organization with Centers at Thumba (near Trivandrum), Ahmedabad, Shriharikota (north of Madras) and Arvi (near Bombay). At Thumba and Shriharikota he established Rocket Launching Stations.

There is an organization called Pugwash Continuing Committee whose aim is to establish peace on earth and promote disarmament, particularly of dangerous weapons, all over the world. Sarabhai founded the Indian Branch of this Committee.

In the midst of all this work, he had set apart sometime for the pharmaceutical industry. He was one of those who wanted to preserve the highest standards in the manufacture of drugs.

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About Vikrama Sarabhai
What A Guru!
Early Education
With C.V.Raman And H.J.Bhabha
The Study Of Cosmic Rays
Successor To Bhabha
Scientific Achievements
With Students
Sarabhai's Hopes & Views
Greatness Recognized
You are Here! The Creator Of Organization
Capsules Of Wisdom