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With Students

One of the objects of the Physical Research Laboratory at Ahmedabad, was to train young scientists.Although Sarabhai had various duties and was very busy, he never neglected this training. He encouraged about 20 students to conduct advanced research and get their Ph.D. Degrees.

Sarabhai working in his laboratory even at midnight was a common sight. Even at that hour his uppermost thought was the research work of his students. Even when he was waiting to board a plane he would be seen in a corner of the airport discussing with his students their problems.

In Baroda, there was a big pharmaceutical factory (a factory to produce medicines) of the Sarabhais. Every Friday he would go to Baroda to supervise the work of thefactory and give instructions. He did not wish to
waste his time during the railway journey from Ahmedabad to Baroda. He would take one or two students with him and discuss with them their problems.

He went abroad several times. However busy he was with his own work, he would spare sometime to meet Indian students in foreign countries; he would encourage them to return to India and continue their research in their motherland. But he also encouraged students to go abroad for higher studies, to get acquainted with
the latest developments in science and technology and to return to our country to serve the motherland. He was sure that if a proper atmosphere was created in India for the young scientists to pursue their chosen line of research, they would gladly return. He had such great confidence in our young scientists.

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About Vikrama Sarabhai
What A Guru!
Early Education
With C.V.Raman And H.J.Bhabha
The Study Of Cosmic Rays
Successor To Bhabha
Scientific Achievements
You are Here! With Students
Sarabhai's Hopes & Views
Greatness Recognized
The Creator Of Organization
Capsules Of Wisdom