Freeindia > Biographies > Freedom Fighters > Subhash Chandra Vasu (Bose)
Born in Kaliyuga year 4997 ( on January 23, 1897 A.D.), Netaji ( the great leader ) Subhash Chandra Vasu ( Bose ) had been the son of the famous advocate ( lawyer ) of Katak ( Orissa ) Sri Janakinath Vasu. He passed the ICS ( Imperial Civil Service ) examination but rejected that highest government service on the day of joining itself and entered into the arena of the struggle for India's independence, instead. He was elected the President of the Indian National Congress defeating the candidate supported by Gandhiji. He was under British detention ( internment ) in Calcutta when he stealthily ran away from there and reached the foreign lands. England was involved at that time in the second World War and its forces, partly consisting of the Indian officers and soldiers, were at fight with those of Japan. Making use of this situation he expanded the Indian National Army ( INA or Azad Hind Fauz, first organized by Ras Bihari Bose ) consisting of the Indian officers and soldiers who deserted the British Army and came to join under his command as also new recruits from among the Indians residing in South East Asia. He, with the help of Japan, proceeded fighting the British forces and not only freed Andaman and Nicobar islands from the Britishers but also entered the north-eastern border of India. But in 1945 Japan was defeated and Netaji proceeded from Japan through an aeroplane to a place of safety but the same met with an accident and it was given out that he died in that air-crash itself. But in the belief of his followers Netaji never died. Towards bringing independence to India his contribution was that the consciousness that was awakened by him in the minds of the Indian soldiers serving on the side of the British made the British rulers realize that it shall not be possible for them to continue their rule over Indians through placing their guns on the Indian shoulders any longer.
Freeindia > Biographies > Freedom Fighters > Subhas Chandra Vasu (Bose)
Subhas Chandra was born on 23rd January, 1897. His father was Rai Bahadur Janakinath Bose, a prominent lawyer of Cuttack, Orissa (India). His mother was Prabhavati Bose who was a remarkable example of Indian womanhood.
Later, the world came to know him as Netaji. After completing his early studies at European Protestant Collegiate School in Cuttack, he came to Calcutta to study in Presidency College in 1913. On completing his graduation, he left India for England to appear at the Indian Civil Service Examination. But he was reluctant to work under the British Government. Thus he resigned and returned to India on the call of Chittaranjan Das.
He was associated with the National Congress for a long time and also served as The President of the Congress. Later, as his ideology differed from Gandhiji, he resigned from the office of the President and formed the 'Forward Bloc' within the Congress in 1939.
Netaji believed that foreign assistance was a must to free India from the British rule. In 1939, when the Second World War broke out, Subhas sought assistance from Germany, Italy and Japan as they were enemies of Britain and thus would be natural allies. In 1941, he evaded from the house-arrest in Calcutta in disguise of a Maulavi to Kabul (Afghanistan). Later, he procured an Italian passport and fled to Berlin (Germany).
Freeindia > Biographies > Freedom Fighters > Subhash Chandra Vasu (Bose)
There he met Hitler and discussed about his plans and sought his assistance to free India. He also sought assistance from Mussolini. From time to time, he aired his speech on the Azad Hind Radio from Berlin to communicate his intentions to fellow Indians and to prove that he was still alive. After the defeat of Germany simultaneously in many important sectors, Netaji realized that from Germany, he could not continue his struggle any more.
Ultimately, Netaji reached Japan in June, 1943. He established the Indian National Army with some 30000 Indian soldiers. He also set up a radio network in South East Asia in order to appeal to the people, both in India and outside, for support. The INA declared war against Britain and America. However, the INA had to retreat from the Indo-Burmese border after a heavy defeat of the Japanese troops there. The British defence was impenetrable. Though the 'Dilli Chalo' mission failed, Netaji proved to the world that his determination was strong and his attitude was positive in his dream to free India from the clutches of the British.
The fact of Netaji's death still remains a mystery. Some believe that he died in an air crash and some believe that he fled and spread a rumour about his death.
Netaji wanted unconditional and complete freedom. He dreamt of a classless society with no caste barriers, social inequalities and religious intolerance. He believed in equal distribution of wealth and destruction of communalism. His slogan "JAI HIND" still acts as a great binding force.
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