Freeindia > Biographies of Great Indians > Scientists And Philosophers
The Genius who won the Nobel prize for Physics, with simple equipment barely worth Rs.300. He was the first Asian scientist to win the Nobel Prize. He won honour as a scientist and affection as a teacher and a man.
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Vikrama Sarabhai
One of the greatest scientists of India. As Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, he guided research of the greatest improtance to the country. A born scientist and a beloved teacher.
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Homi Bhabha
The architect of Nuclear Science in Modern India. He was a painterand worshipped the beauty of Nature.Science and art both enriched his mind an life. He was the ideal personality India needs today.
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The great biologist who showed that plants, too can ´feel´ in their own way. He saved money ;he bought a small laboratory and build his equipment; and scientists in Euorpe and America wondered at his discoveries.
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Sathyendranath Bose
A renowned Indian scientist. He developed a new branch of physics. He worked with Albert Einstein, Madame Curie and other scientists of world renown.
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An Indian Scientist who won fame in many countries. Eighty years ago he began the manufacture of medicines in India. A Great teacher, he gave his salary to students interested in science.
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Birbal Sahani
A Great scientist who lived only for knowledge. He declined high posts. He was a genius who shone in several spheres. He was a great teacher and a great man.
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Dr.M. Visvesvaraya
One of the makers of modern India. ´MV" was a genius. Perfectly honest and devoted to his work, he set new standards of efficiency.
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A very great mathematician and an astronomer of the Kaliyuga´s 43rd century (i.e. 12th century A.D.) Bhaskaracharya was the head of the observatory at Ujjain.
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The famous astronomer Varahmihira, a contemporary of Vikramaditya and Kalidas, had been the author of Brhat-Samhita.
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Famous Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna, who was born in Vidarbha, made a deep study into the Buddhist and Brahmanical philosophies, and, later set up his residence at Sri Parvat.
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Arya Bhatta
Arya Bhatta has been a great teacher of astronomy in Bharat whose work on astronomy, known as Aryabhatiyam.
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Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan
Born in Kumbhakonam city of Tanjaur district of the Madras state in 1887 A.D. Ramanujam was the son of Shrinivasa Ayanger, a poor but self-respecting individual.
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Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Philosopher educationist, diplomat who recently retired as the head of the world´s largest democracy - the world is familiar with Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan as a symbol of resurgent India.
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Dr. Bhagavan Das
Dr. Bhagvan Das was born at Varanasi on 12th January 1869. After a brilliant career as a student, he joined government service as a deputy collector.
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The avatara of Dhanvantari appeared billions of years ago. Although an avatara is unborn, He takes His divine birth among the living beings to display His divine pastimes.
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The avatara of Dhanvantari appeared billions of years ago. Although an avatara is unborn, He takes His divine birth among the living beings to display His divine pastimes.
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The avatara of Dhanvantari appeared billions of years ago. Although an avatara is unborn, He takes His divine birth among the living beings to display His divine pastimes.
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Arati Prabhakar
Arati Prabhakar was born in New Delhi, India. She received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University (1979), and her M.S. in Electrical Engineering (1980) and Ph.D. in Applied Physics (1984) from the California Institute of Technology.
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Kalpana Chawla
She was the first Indian-American woman to fly into space. Born in Karnal, India, she graduated from the Tagore School in Karnal in 1976, and did a BS in Aeronautical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College in 1982.
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