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Freeindia > Biographies of Great Indians > Great Poets
Tulasidas The great poet who composed the 'Ramacharita- manasa' His boyhood was in poverty and suffering;but yet he became a great scholar. [ More... ] Kalidas One of the greatise poets and dramatists in sanskrit. His chronicle of the kings of the Raghy clan (Rughuvamsha) the greatplay 'shakuntala' and other works. [ More... ] Bankim Chandra One of the greatest novelists of India who gave the poeple the scared mantra - Vande Mataram' The begal Novel practically began with him. [ More... ] Namadeva Namadeva who lived during the end of the 13th century is one of the best known saint poets. Namadeva lived in Constant communion with lord Panduranga. [ More... ] Tenali Ramakrishna A Poor orphan in his boyhood, he rose to be the favourite adviser of powerful king. A Scholar and a poet, he exposed superstition and stupid pride ot ridicule [ More... ] Maharshi Valmiki The Adikavi, the Poet of Poets, of India, who gave the world the immortal epic, the 'Ramayana'. By Profession a highway robber, he came under the spell of Maharshi Narada and became a 'Brahmarshi'. [ More... ] Ravindranatha Thakur Extant during Kaliyuga's years 4962 to 5043 ( i.e. 1861 to 1942 A.D.) World-famous poet and litterateur of Bengal who got Nobel Prize on his work Gitanjali, in the Kaliyuga's year 5014 ( 1913 A.D. ), Ravindranath Tagore ( Thakur ) had been an epoch maker in Bengali literature. [ More... ] Acharya Shanti Dev Shri Shanti Dev, Sanskrit poet and the author of 'Bodhicharyavatar' a classic of MahayanaBuddhism was born in 687 A. D. in the royal family of Gujarat. [ More... ] Acharya Suryamall Mishran Suryamall Mishran, a multi faceted personality, was a towering figure in the field of literature because of his erudite scholarship and unique poetry. [ More... ] Kamban Kamba Ramayana was written in the 9th century A.D. Kavi Kamban was born in Therazhundur, a village in the culturally rich Tanjavur district in the modern state of Tamil Nadu in South India. [ More... ] Sri Sankara Deva Great poet of the Asamiya language, religious reformer and famous Vaishnava saint, Sri Shankaradeva wrote many works concerning devotion to Bhagavan Krishna to uplift society from its condition of downfall (degradation) of character. [ More... ] Rasakhana Extant during Kaliyuga years 4659 to 4719 ( i.e. 1558 to 1618 A.D.) very well known Krishna-devotee ( Krishna-Bhakta ) poet [ More... ] Subrahmanya Bharati Extant during Kaliyuga's years 4983 to 5022 (1882 to 1921 A.D.). The foremost nationalist poet of Tamilnadu, Subrahmanya Bharati with his nationalist poems written in his natural and easily understandable language communicated the message of patriotism to the hearts of people. [ More... ] Firaq Gorakhpuri Born in 1896 in a distinguished literary family of Gorakhpur, Raghypati Sahay wrote under the pen name, Firaq Gorakhpuri, a name which was destined for international acclaim. [ More... ] Desai, Anita Novelist, born in Mussoorie, India. She studied at Delhi University, and her works include novels for adults and children and short stories. [ More... ]

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Published on: 2003-01-17 (53903 reads)

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