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Pancha Bhoota
The origin of life is linked with the five basic elements (Pancha - five, Bhootam - Element) of Wind, Water, Fire, Earth and Space (ether).
These elements are referred to as Vaayu, Jalam (Apah), Agni, Prithvi and Aakasam.
Divinity is a manifestation of these basic elements.
Pancha Bhoota Stalam; Shiva Temples Dedicated to the five primary elements are:
1. The Sri Kalahastiswarar temple at Sri Kalahasti near Tirupati - Vayu Stalam (Wind)
2. The Jambukeswarar temple at Tiruvanaikka near Tiruchirappalli - Apustalam (Water)
3. The Annamalaiyaar (Arunachaleswarar) temple at Tiruvannamalai - Agni Stalam (Fire)
4. The Ekambranathar Temple at Kanchipuram - Prithvi Stalam (Earth)
5. The Natarajar Temple at Chidambaram - Akasa Stalam (Space )
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