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Ravi Varma

Freeindia > Others > Ravi Varma
Ravi Varma

Extant during Kaliyuga's years 4949 to 5006 ( i.e. 1848 to 1905 A.D. ) Ravi Varma had been a well known painter born in Kerala. He spent about 30 years in the practice of the Bharatiya ( Indian ) art of painting. Most of his paintings are on the puranic subjects. Some paintings are personal portraits of kings or other persons from the royal families. The style of his paintings is a mixed one of the Indian and European styles.

A great painter from Kerala; Chitra Art gallery in Trivandrum houses Raja Ravi Varma's most famous paintings.

Raja Ravi Varma Raja Ravi Varma was born in 1848, in a princely family in Kilimanoor, near Trivandrum, in Kerala. Like his uncle, Raja Raja Varma, he was interested in painting and his contact with the British painter Theodore Jenson appears to have influenced his style.

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Published on: 2003-02-01 (2162 reads)

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Ravi Varma
Ravi Varma
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