Freeindia > Biographies > Great Kings And Queens > Chandragupta Maurya
Chandragupta Maurya
Remained on the throne as the ruler of Magadha from Kaliyuga's years 1568 to 1602 i.e. from 1534 to 1500 B.C.
The founder of the great empire of the Maurya dynasty, who working under the guidance of a Guru like Chanakya, on the one hand, defeated the king Dhana Nand, intoxicated with the power and pelf of the Nand dynasty in Magadha and on the other, he, by repulsing the attack of the alien on NorthWestern India humiliated the invaders. Chandragupta extended the rule of Magadha so much that it reached again upto the natural boundary of India i.e. upto Hindu-kush in the North-West and a big portion of southern India too came under his rule. An empire as big as his had not been there for many centuries. With this not only the political unity but also the cultural unity of the country got strong and the influence of India spread even in the foreign countries. According to the European scholars the Greek Ambassador Magasthenese was sent to Pataliputra during the rule of Chandragupta Maurya.
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