Freeindia > Biographies > Great Kings And Queens > Bappa Ravala
Bappa Ravala
The founder of the Guhilot Rajavansa ( dynasty of rulers ) in Rajasthan, Bappa Raval is known for his strong pride in his Dharma and culture, for defeating the alien Arabian invaders and being a great, glorious and brave king. He started as a ruler of a small principality in Nagahrad ( Nagda ), and extended his rulership upto Chittaud. In 39th century of Kaliyuga (i.e 8th century A.D.) Arabs started their invasions against Bharat. Bappa Raval fought and defeated the Arab invaders in the country and also turned the tide against them and dominated the aliens in their own territory. Ruling thus oyer his kingdom fora long time he abdicated the throne in favour of his son - rather made his son as the king and himself turned into Siva upasaka ( worshipper of Shiva ) and became a Yati ( an ascetic who has full control over his passions ). He had been extant in Kaliyuga's 39th (i.e. 5thA.D.) century.
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