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Sri Musunoori Nayakas
In Kaliyuga's 45th century ( i.e. 14th century A.D.) there were two Musunoori heroes ( brave leaders ), Pralaya and Kappaya by names, in the Warangal kingdom ( Andhra Pradesh ). They rooted out the alien ( Muslim ) rule from Andhra Pradesh. Mohammed Bin Tugalak had defeated the Kakatiya ruler, Pratap Rudra, acquired control over Orugal ( Warangal ), the capital city and tinged its name to Sultanpur. With the sudden death of Pratap Rudra, Hindus had been left leaderless. At such a juncture the chief of Pratap Rudra's army, Pralaya, and his nephew, Kappaya organised and united the army, feudal lords and the people to oppose the Muslim rule. With the efforts of the Musunoori leaders, Orugal was freed, there fluttered once again the saffron flag ( Bhagava Dhvaja ) over it and the tide of Muslims was stemmed from moving into southern India further. The event helped in the establishment of a uniting organisation, a Maha Sangh, Hindus gained self-confidence and Dharma was re-established.
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