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Dr. Sampurnanand

Freeindia > Biographies > Freedom Fighters > Dr. Sampurnanand
Dr. Sampurnanand was an eminent nationalist, freedom fighter, a great thinker with a socialist bent of mind, an able administrator and above all, a scholar of great merit. He was well read even at the young age of 10 and reached matriculation level when only 14. At this tender age, he could not appear for the examination but young Sampurnanand did not waste his time. He joined the Carmichael Library at Kashi and read all the books that he could find there.

During the freedom movement he spent almost 5 years in prison and was associated with and greatly influenced Mahatma Gandhi. He was a person who had interests in varied subjects. On the one hand he has written books on Indian Philosophy and culture and on the other he has authored several books on history astrology socialism and other subjects. In the field of journalism he left his contribution as editor of journals and news papers such as Maryada, Agran, Aaj and Today. The Congress Socialist Party was founded in 1934 and its first session at Bombay was presided over by Dr. Sampurnanand. He was a member of the first Ministry formed in what was then known as united provinces in 1936. He was Minister inchange of Education, Labour & information from 1946-60. Later he also served as the Governor of rajasthan (1962-67). Vocational education and military education in schools were among Dr. Sampurnanand's contributions in the sphere of education. The immovative concept of open jails was first introduced by him.

The cane-growers movement and the Siswa Bazar Peisode which followed the calling off of Mahatma Gandhi's Civil Disobedience Movement made him one of the mass leaders of the movement. He showed considerable political tact at the time of Badrinath Temple Bill in the U. P. Legislature. As a Minister of Education in the U. P. Cabinet, he did much for the propagation of basic education and adult education.

Dr. Sampurnanand had a large number of publications to his credit, including Dharmvir Gandhi (a life sketch of the Mahatma during his South African Campaign), `Maharaj Chhatrasal', Bharat Ke Deshi Rajya The individual and the state, Aryan Ka Adi Desh. ' Outwardly Dr. Sampurnanand was orthodox, but at the same time he had a rational and liberal approach to religion. As he wrote, 'It is true that a Man's religion, using the word not in the sense of a credo, or set phrases out of a catechism influences his whole conscious and sub-conscious life, and a study of it cannot be excluded from an analysis of the forces which have moulded his personality. '

He lived a quiet, austere and a philosopher's life and did not pursue public acclaim or recognition. He was one of the silent constructive workers of our freedom movement whose contribution to the making of modern India was really immense.

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Published on: 2003-02-03 (4115 reads)

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