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Sant Kavi Sunderdas

Freeindia > Biographies > Sages, Rushis And Saints > Sant Kavi Sunderdas
Sant Kavi Sunderdas

Sant Kavi Sundersas was born at the old capital Dausa (Dyosa) of Jaipur states on Chaitra Shukla Ramnavmi in Samvat 1653 Vikram (1596 AD). He had his early education in Varanasi. He spent many years in 'Yoga-Sadhana' and self-study. He travelled to many parts of India. His impressions later evolved through the medium of his poetry.

Revered as 'The Sankaracharya' of Hindi literature, Sant Sunderdas led a vehement attack on the ills of society. He openly opposed Casteism, communal parochialism, and indulgence in hypocrisy. He awakened self-respect towards one's mother tongue. In his life span, Sant Sunderdas composed about 48 books, such as 'Gyan Samudra', Sarvangyoga Pradipika', 'Panchendriya Charitra', 'Sukh Samadhi', Guru Sampradaya', 'Bhram Vidhwans Ashtak', Ramashtak', 'Punjabi Bhasha Asktak', 'Pir Murid Ashtak', 'Barahmasan', 'Ayurbal Bhed Ashtak', 'Purabi Bhasha Ashtak', 'Sakhi Granth', 'Padavali Granth', 'Savaiya Granth' and 'Chitrabandh Rachnayen' etc. These works not only embodied the voice of conscience but kindled the light of self independence also. In his simple language adorned with idioms, proverbs and quotes, Sant Sunderdas created firm faith in the values of life in the medieval Indian Society. In his works, along with the form of Braj language in Hindi, combination of Avdhee, eastern dialect, Gujarati, Punjabi, Sindhi, Khariboli, Marwari, Urdu and Sanskrit is found.

Rabindranath Tagore has rightly said, among philosophical poets, Siunderdas alone was a scholar well versed with the scriptures. He was not only a poet but a research scholar also.

On Kartik Shukla Ashtami (Gopashtami) Samvat 1746 Vikram (1689 AD), at the age of 93, Sant Sunderdas left for his heavenly abode. In his last couplet, he said that death is the union of spirit with god and, therefore, it is nothing but a festivity.

On the First Day Cover, 'Kankanbandh' composed by the great poet Sunderdas has been depicted which is a form of pictorial poetry. Every word is inlaid like a gem in a bracelet. This pictorial poetry is read in a special way.

The Department of Posts is happy to issue a special commemorative stamp in honour of Sant Kavi Sunderdas.

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Published on: 2003-02-03 (5802 reads)

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Sant Kavi Sunderdas
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