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Swami Shraddhanand

Freeindia > Biographies > Sages, Rushis And Saints > Swami Shraddhanand
Swami Shraddhanand

Among the few who were eminent in building our nation in the later part of the 19th century and the early years of the twentieth, was MAhatma Munishi Ram, known as Swami Shraddhanand. As a valiant warrior of the war of independence, Swami Shraddhanandji presents a living portrait of bravery and sacrifice.

Swami Shraddhanand was born at Talwan(Jullundur) in 1913 (Vikram Era) corresponding to 1856. a well known and well-to-do Khatri family. His father, Shri Nanak Chand was in the service of the East India Company. Swamiji was originally given He name of 'Brihaspati', but later He was called Munshi Ram by his father. This name continued to be in vogue till He was initiated into 'Sanyas'. He was the youngest in the family.His school educationo began at Varanasi and ended at Lahore after passing the examination for pleadership.

He was married to Shirmati Shiva Devi. His wire died wHen He was 35 years old leaving behind Her two sons and two daughters. Munshi Ram had started life as a Naib Tehsildar but He relinquisHed this post after a short time as the found the duties not consistent with his self-respect. Later, He practised as a pleader at Phillaur and Jullundur but gave up this lucrative profession also wHen the call came from Swami Dayanand Saraswati to serve the Arya Samajan appeal that the found irresistible.

He founded the Gurukul at Kangri at Hardwar,a unique seat of learning in keeping with the ideals of the Vedic Seers. the underlying idea was to produce good and disciplined citizens in the community completely imbued with ancient Vedic ideals and a national outlook. This is the institution which Ramsay Macdonaldvisited and wHere He likened Munshi Ram to a bilblical propHet walking the shores of Galilee. This is also the institution towards which Mahatma Gandhi as first drawn while He was in South Africa and wHere He stayed first on his return to India. It was this institution which conferred on Gandhiji the title of the 'Mahatma'.

In the year 1917, He became a 'Sanyasi', assuming the name 'Shraddhanand' and making Delhi his permanent abode instead of Guruklul.In Delhi, He founded a manner of institutions aimed at social, moral and cultural betterment and upliftment of the people, especially of the so-called 'untouchables'. He also founded two prominent dailies : the Urdu 'Tej' and the Hindi 'Arjun'. Freeindia > Biographies > Sages, Rushis And Saints > Swami Shraddhanand
During the national struggle for independence in the year 1919, He plunged Headlong into the agitation under the leadership of Gandhiji. He took a leading part in infusing life into the people and organised 'Hartals' and protests against the Rowlat Act enacted by the British Government. WHen Gandhiji was arrested,Swami Shraddhanand led a protest march in city. WHen a soldier threatened to fire upon the crowd, the ascetic bared his breast and ared him to shoot. Such was the courage of oSwamiji. during the period of excitement, this valiant Arya Sanyasi, without any distinction of caste or creed, served the citizens of Delhi. The Muslims considered him as their own elder brother. Swamiji was accorded the unique honour of preaching to the Muslims from the pulpit of the greatest and the most famous mosque of India, the Delhi Jama Masjid.

When the Punjab was writhing under the pains of atrocities inflicted by the British Government under martial law, it was Swami Shraddhanand who came forward to make arrangements for the Congress session at Amritsar. In this historic session, He introduced the programme for eradication of untouchability which was adopted.

He always stood in the from line of the Arya Samaj movement and made the Arya Samaj a power and contributed to its popularity by his disinterested work and exemplary practical life. His towering and inspiring personality was a source of eternal inspiration. He believed in Hindu-Muslim unity from the very beginning and was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi. As a social worker, He was always engrossed in ameliorating the conditions of the poor and the down-trodden.

God willed for him a martyr's death and while still onhissick bed, He died at the hands of a misguided assassin in the year 1926 on 23rd December. His message from his sick bed was, 'India's Salvation lay in abiding Hindu-Muslim unity'. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, 'He lived a Hero and died a Hero'.

His life was a symbol of renunciation and penance. His field of action was limitless. The Posts and Telegraphs Department deems it a great privilege to bring out a special commemorative stamp in honour of Swami Shraddhanandji, a noble soul and fearless patriot, and one of the greatest sons of India.

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Published on: 2003-02-03 (6122 reads)

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Swami Shraddhanand
Swami Shraddhanand
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