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Sadhu Vaswani

Freeindia > Biographies > Sages, Rushis And Saints > Sadhu Vaswani
Sadhu Vaswani

'I have been blessed, for amidst the deserts of Sind, I have found a true prophet, a messenger of the new spirit, a saint a sage, and a seer a rishi of new India' so said Mon. Paul Richard, a French Writer and Savant. Shri Thanwardas Lilaram Vaswani was born on November 25, 1879 in Hyderabad (Sind).A brilliant student, an 'Ellis Scholar' and a fellow of the D.J. Sind College Karachihe was appointed a professor at the Metropolitan College, Calcutta after passing his M.A. Examination.the college is now known as the Viudyasagar College.He was 30 years of age when he went to Berlin (Germany) as one of India's representatives to the welt Congress-a world congress of religions.

He became the Principal of the Dyalsingh College, Lahore.Later he distinguished himself as Principal of Victoria college, Cooch-Behar and as Principal of Mahindra college,Patiala from the beginning, Shri Vaswaniu lonbged to dedicate his when his mother passed away in his 40th year, the onlylunk with erthly existence was snapped he resigned his lucrative job in 1919 to enter into the larger service of the nation.To keep himself free for God's work, he remained a 'brahmachari' all his life.

When Mahatma Gandhi appeared on the Indian scene and launched his Satyagraha Movement, Shri Vaswani ws one of the earliest supporters of his movement and a close associate of the Mahatma.In 1920, he presided over the meeting addressed by Gandhiji at KArachi and the very first article on the frtont page of the first issue of Gandhiji's `young India' was an article by Vaswaniji in support of the Non-Non-Cooperation Movement.several books like India Arisen, India in Chains, Awake young India, My Motherland, etc.Shirr Vaswani's true spirit of patriotism was such that even as a young professor at Calcutta, he took part in the swadeshi awakening associated with the agitation against the Partition of Bengal.

Vaswaniji moved cross the length and breadth of India.He went to the cities, he visited the villages; he met, women and children from all classes of society.His messages to young India was:Be simple, be manly, be strong. Spend your strength in the service of the broken and the poor ones.'He took great interest and pleaded for a new peasant renaissance.He felt that the redistribution of land is essential to his scheme of swaraj; and desired that poor agriculturist should be taught scientific methods of intensive agriculture and co-operative organisations. Freeindia > Biographies > Sages, Rushis And Saints > Sadhu Vaswani
In 1933 Shri Vaswani founded 'Mira Movement in Eduction' which has today its headqyarters at Poona.The Mira Movement aims at enriching the minds of students with vital truths of modern life and at the same time making them lovers of the Indian ideals and India's culture.Following this, in 1962, Vaswaniji started St. Mira's College for Girls at Poona.

A number of humanitairan activities are being conducted at pooona under the ever-living inspirationof shri vaswani.they include charitable dispensaries, St. Mira's college and St. Mira's schools where education is impartede free to poor students, as also a Jiva Daya Department dedicated to the welfare of brother birds and animals.

Vaswanji was a prolific writer, the author of several hundred books in English and over 300 books in his own vernacular, the Sindhi language, some of his English books have been translated into German and other Indian languages.Vaswaniji was a born orator.When he spoke , he filled the hall with the richmusici of his words and the richer music of his heart.He was a poet, a mystic, a sage a servant of poor, and as the Irish poet, Dr. Cousins called him, 'A thinker and a revealer of the deep truths of the spirit.'

Vaswaniji's earthly prigrimage ended on the 16th January 1966 in Poona where a beautiful shrine stands and where the torch of his humanity and activity continues to shine.the Poists and Telegraphs Department considers it a privileg to honour the mejory of the great educationist and humanist, Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, by issuing a commemorative stamp on his 90th birth anniversary.

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Published on: 2003-02-03 (5285 reads)

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Sadhu Vaswani
Sadhu Vaswani
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