Freedom Fighters
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


The Dream of the Release of the Brave Fighter

It is the first day of July 1910. The ship sailing to India.

Here in Paris a revolutionary and Rishi are hatching a plot. Somehow Savarkar must be released from custody.The ship should not be allowed to reach India, without an attempt to free Savarkar.

The revolutionary was about fifty years old. The companion, Rishi, had hardly completed thirty-five. Because he had a luxurious beard and moustaches his nickname was 'Rishi - a sage. His real name was V.V.S. 1year.

The morning of the 8th of July.

Savarkar gives the slip to the guards and jumps into the sea from the moving ship. He swims and reaches the shore. All arrangements have been made secretly to ensure his safety. In a vehicle near the beach the revolutionary and other associates are awaiting for his arrival. As Savarkar reaches the shore the lady and Madame Cary her associates take the tired Savark carriage and speed away. Savrkar release from imprisonment was over. He has become completely free.

'Victory to Freedom' is the joyous every where.

But all this was a dream.

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About Madame Cama
You are Here! The Dream Of The Release Of The Brave Fighter
The Dream Remained A Dream !
Failures - Steps To Success
The Fire Lit By Oppression
The Clever Munni
To Curb Her Spirit
Two Persons - And Two Parties!
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In London
'Salute This Flag'
That Sacred Flag
In America
"March Forward, Friend'
To France
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Shadowed By Danger
In The World Of Jounalism
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Fighting In Not One, But Ten Ways
'Where Is The Other Half Of Egypt?'
'Do Not Take Part In This War'
A Licence
Back To Her Beloved Homeland
Her Breath One With The Winds Of The Land
'Loss Of Freedom Means Loss Of Virtue'